Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Grandmama/Grandpa PART 1

Grandmama giving Clare her Potty Time doll. Clare loved the doll, loved the bottle it came with and even like to put the baby on the potty. None of this translated into Clare actually using a potty herself. Good try though!

Grandpa playing with Clare with his eyes closed from driving 12 hours.

At the park
I love Clare's face. She looks like she's going really fast, but really it's just that my Dad actually pushes her on the swing, instead of my half-assed pushing with one hand while texting with my other hand. She seemed to like the swings way more with my parents than she does with me.
Clare made several friends on the Big Kid Playground. They all marched in a line behind her as she climbed up to really high and made them copy her. She is going to be a leader. Which, I of course, LOVE. As long as she realizes I lead the show at this house.
She figured out how to swing (and not fall) and she taught the little girl next to her.
One of the bigger people she convinced to play Follow the Leader.

At the coffee shop waiting for her Smoothie.

Clare told me in the yard yesterday to "Let GO!" of a toy that I wasn't giving her (because she wouldn't say "please"). When I refused, she got an inch from my face and screamed "I SAID NO". I was dying of laughter. She is so bossy.

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