Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pics and such

So, now that I have built a bridge and gotten over the debacle that was my Dr.'s appt. yesterday, I thought I would post some pics that are long over-due.

First, Congrats to Beth and Eric Webb on the birth of their little one, Zachary Eric Webb!

Second, Congrats to Renee and Paul Hays on the birth of their little one, Trinity Jane Hays!

Thirdly, Congrats to Chad and Becky, as they are expecting. For the record, I vote this is a boy:)

About the pics above:

-Today was arts and crafts. We pulled out the finger paints and taped paper to the floor. I knew it would only last 5 minutes and was pretty correct. Clare was not weirded out by the "goo" feeling of the paint, which was surprising. She really wanted to run around after she was covered in it.

-Clare loves my cell phone. Love, loves it. So, I was letting her play with it today and kept calling it from the house phone. It's our new version of hide-n-seek. It amuses both of us. She likes to pretend talk when she plays with it. The only concern I have is that she makes really odd hand gestures and I have a sinking feeling that she is emmulating me. And I love me some hand gestures when talking. Poor Clare.

-So, the pictures of her in the little cream track outfit? Kay, here's the story (WARNING, TMI ALERT, BACK OUT NOW IF YOU WANT TO AVOID THIS MESS). There is a mom that's part of this group I know that swears she is/can potty train her 13 month old. I find this to be ridiculous, as I can not "train" Clare to not climb out of her crib (a newly developed talent that required Chris to drop the crib to it's lowest setting tonight), let alone use the potty. I'm a little (just a touch) competitive and started researching early potty training. I dealt with my fair share at the day care and have a good basic understanding of the "known" tips and such. One of the signs of readiness is "hiding" or communicating when going #2. Kids who hide when they are doing their business are showing a sign of readiness. Clare could care so little about what she's doing #2, she will look at you while she's doing it and allow you take pictures. She even will talk to me. So, I think it's a little while before I have to redeem my Pampers points for the singing Dora the Explorer potty. Right?


  1. She did not potty train her 13 month old! Sheesh. I'm definitely in your boat on this one. I deal with trying to divert parents from the potty training fiasco on a regular basis when it's too early. What the crap is wrong with people?! (Just reread this...apparently I'm a bit fired up over it! Ha)

  2. Don't ever do those polka dots again.

  3. I just have to say......that 3rd picture doesn't look all that thrilled about you taking a picture of her doing her business. I, however, think it's adorable, so I printed it off and taped it to my office computer. It's like she's agreeing with me about all the crap I deal with at work.
