Thursday, April 16, 2009

One More Just Text...

I fully realize most of you check in to see pics of the cute kid, so I'll be sure to add pics before the weekend is out. However, I thought this story was worth sharing. Clare and I went to the lake today for an afternoon walk. While we were there, a small little white dog was running around, with no owner in sight. Me and the "much better dressed Mom" (who go forward I will refer to as MBD) I met looked at the tag to see if there was an owner's number. Sure enough, they have the dog's name "Goldee" and a telephone number. So I dial the number and the owner says they live nearby, so someone will be over. She seemed fairly unconcerned. While we were waiting, me and MBD started chatting. As many of you know, I'm very friendly. I can make small talk with a wall. So, her delightful little boy was trying to convince the terrified little dog to hold still so he could "pet" her. Well, the dog was clearly not stupid and it only took one "pet" before she wanted to bolt. The MBD was wearing her newest addition on her chest (a child, who dressed in yellow was a poster child for "Unable to determine gender").

** FYI for the soon to be Moms: You will not get as many compliments if people can not determine the gender of your child. We don't know what to say. You can't call a baby it (especially if "it" is not your child). We are not sure whether to tell you your daughter is handsome or your son is adorable. Please give us some type of gender cues, in either clothes or quickly proclaiming your child's gender. As Clare is bald, she is rarely in anything that is not pink. She has a little friend, who is 10 days younger and that child has PIGTAILS. Now, I'm not on a bitter tangent, I'm just guessing Sophie's Mom does not have to explain her child's gender and Sophie is likely permitted to wear other colors than pink and purple in public.

So, me and my newest BFF MBD are waiting for the owner. This tall guy starts to walk across the park and the MBD starts explaining to her son (crazy hard petter kid) that this is the Doggie's Daddy. MBD is also explaining to Goldee that her Daddy is on his way. I'm not sure if this was also for the kid's benefit or the dog's, but since MBD Mom and aren't friends just yet, I thought I would keep my thoughts to myself. As the dog's owner approaches the dog goes CRAZY. I mean, out of it's mind. Running in circles around the MBD Mom and her kid. The guy is trying to be nice, telling Goldee she's a "bad girl" in a really fake voice. Well, clearly Goldee is not buying this act. She knows the second she out of sight, she getting beat. The guy tries to snag her on the run and she flops over and starts shaking. He is a little embarrassed by Goldee's reaction. He tries to pet her and she continues to shake. After a few awkward moments, he tells Goldee to go home and off she runs.
So, here is the moral to the story. I know the dog was putting on a show. Know it. She was totally playing on me and BDM's sympathy. I'm not quite sure if I'm a switch kinda Mom (Morris Girls, do we need to review?) but I do know that Clare will 100% play that card in public. Then as the parent your stuck between playing fake nice and the just wait to we get home under your breathe move or not caring at all what others think and disciplining your kids. So what do you do? That's all I thought about on our walk home from the park, was what kind of future trouble Clare will cause....


  1. First of all, I think purple is gender neutral as well as yellow and green. Second of all......ARE YOU KIDDING? You are actually questioning future trouble? Who is her aunt? Is her aunt the little girl who would take off running in the mall during Christmas shopping sprees and then throw herself on the floor and scream please don't beat me? I think she is. There's your answer. I did warn you this would happen.

  2. I'm with you. I also thought of Heather yesterday. But, how is purple gender neutral? Since when? Purple is a girl color. Seriously, you would have had Nick or Vince wear purple?

  3. Yup. And Barney is male and he is purple. I think of purple as more of a male color, at least dark purple whereas light purple or lavender is a girl color. There you go. As far as future children go, I am convinced that you and Erin will have children like Heather and Heather will have children like you and Erin and smirk for the rest of her natural life. That's my theory anyway.

  4. Ask Gary if he would wear purple. Just purple. Not an accent color. Barney sings and dances too.

  5. He would wear a purple sweatshirt. So there. He wears what I tell him to wear.

  6. I'm good at grabbing the arm and/or face just hard enough to almost hurt. That's how they know I mean business. And you don't have to wait til you get home, just go to either the car or bathroom. But so far, no major catastrophes in public for us. Knock on wood!

  7. By the way look me up on facebook. I tried to look you up there were too many April Millers and I gave up.

  8. Lisa, I cannot believe you decided to back your comments with Barney. Seriously. That is a fairly weak, fairly gay defense. We're talking about a dinosaur that lures children after school to the playground to "sing and dance" with him. Read b/w the lines!

  9. Erin, I also used the Elder Panthers to back my comments on the poll blogspot. Since this is a site concerning a child, I was trying to keep an appropriate context. So hold up your three middle fingers and if you read between the lines, I'm sure you'll get my real meaning.

  10. ummm, ladies. We will all see each other fairly soon:(

  11. Yes, but we say these things to each others faces as well. It's all in good fun.
